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Thank you so much for signing up to be an assessor for the Black Codher Bootcamp! Here’s a little guide for how to prepare and get the best out of this opportunity.

Brief Breakdown

As the students progress through the course, they will be required to turn in some coding assignments/projects.

This is where YOU come in!

We would like you to support the programme by assessing student coding projects. We expect the following from you:

Mode of Assessment

We use GitHub classrooms to manage the assessments and student repositories.

The criteria for each of the assessments is listed in the READMEs:

1. Command Line and Git Assessment Criteria

2. HTML & CSS Assessment Criteria

3. JavaScript Assessment (Group Assessment) Criteria

4. React Assessment Criteria

5. Node Assessment Criteria

Scoring Guide

Once assigned a student repository, please follow the specific scoring instructions.

Grade each repository based on their specific criteria listed in each individual repository README.

Student will be given a mark of 0 - 5 for each category in the scoring guide that applies. The students final score for the assignment will be the average of the total number of points awarded across each category divided by the number of categories assessed.

Scoring Table

Applies to assignment Category 0 1 2 3 4 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Delivered on time No repo* Repo created but no code checked in Assignment not completed by deadline. No agreed extension Assignment not completed. Agreed extension Assignment completed. Agreed extension Assignment completed before deadline
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Functionality No code Code added, but does not run/compile. No automated test passed. Code loads and is deployed where applicable. Some automated tests pass. Deployed code has good functionality and has met most of the criteria. All automated test pass Deployed code meets all of the required functionality. All automated test pass Deployed code is excellent and has implemented functionality above and beyond required criteria. All automated test pass
1, 2, 3, 4 Design No Design Content is structured correctly Content is readable but no real design Design effort has been made. Pages are responsive on both mobile and desktop. Site has sense of purpose and structure Original artwork or design included. Design has clear purpose. Includes ways for user to interact Original design, has complex elements. artwork supports the content. Fully responsive. Accessibility has been considered, e.g. font size, contrasting foreground/background, keyboard operability
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Code Structure/ Efficiency No code An attempt has been made to write code and implement some of the basic functionality, although this may not be successful Working code base submitted. Basic programming principles have been applied Modular code has been written. Code is organised Code demonstrates a range of appropriate language constructs including good modular structures A wide range of appropriate language constructs and best practice has been followed. Code is clean and easily understandable
3 Group Work No code Did not contribute Contributed in a very minor way Contributed to the team, committed once or referenced in a commit Contributed well to the team, committed more than once or referenced in multiple commits Contributed greatly to the team, often the main committer for the repo

*Please note that some students may have private repos. You may need to request access to them to review/mark

How to Grade and Assessment

For the React assignment a student score could be calculated in the following way:

Category 0 1 2 3 4 5 Score
1. Delivered on time       x     3
2. Functionality         x   4
3. Design       x     3
4. Code Structure/ Efficiency           x 5
            Total: 15
            Average: ≈4

Understanding the Scoring System

The score of 0 - 5 can be translated into percentages and A-D grades in the following way:

Black CodeHer Score 5 4 3 2 1 0
A-D A B C D E (U)ngraded
Percentages 100% - 81% 80% - 61% 60% - 41% 40% - 21% 20% - 1% 0