Black Codher Bootcamp Training Breakdown
The course will be a part time coding bootcamp. It will run twice a week in the evening for 30 weeks between 6pm and 9pm. This will be an intense course, and learners will be required to do homework to ensure that they are getting the most from the course. 60 sessions available + 2 pre sessions
The course will cover the main content that has been described below, plus ‘Empowerment Days’ which aim to inspire and empower the learners. The course will provide the learners with the knowledge to become a web/mobile application developer, with a variety of other skills that they will pick up throughout the course.
Introduction to Web Development (18 sessions)
- Unit 1: Introduction to Development Week 1 - 2
- What is Development / Developers (2 session)
- Source Control: Command Line, Git & GitHub (2 sessions)
- Unit 2: HTML & CSS Week 3 - 5
- Unit 3: Introduction to Programming Week 6
- Convert pseudo code to JS?
- Unit 4: JavaScript Fundamentals Week 7 - 9
Full Stack Development (26 sessions)
- Unit 1: Introduction to Full Stack (1 session) Week 11
- Front End / Back End (Server & DB) - how does it all fit together
- Unit 2: React (11 sessions) Week 11 - 16
- Unit 3: NodeJS (6 sessions) Week 17 - 19
- Unit 4: Databases (8 sessions) Week 20 - 23
- Introduction to Databases
- MongoDB
Personal Project (5 weeks)
- Unit 1: Personal Project (10 sessions) Week 18 - 22
Employability (Module 4) - 5 sessions (5 weeks) - concurrently with project
- Unit 1: Preparing for Technical Tests (3 sessions) Week 25 - 26
- Unit 2: Interview Preparation
- Unit 3: Job Readiness Week 26 - 30 - spread out