Unit Outline
Provides a solid understanding of a widely used front end framework, which can be used to build web applications and mobile applications. The learner will be learning the theory, whilst building a basic application to solidify their skills.
- Introduction to React
- Difference between a websites, web applications and PWAs
- The React library and how to reference it in a Javascript application
- Getting Started With React
- React components and the Virtual DOM
- Package managers NPM, NPX and YARN
- Installing Node.js
- Create your first React app with create-react-app
- Unit testing the React test runner
- React App Development
- Debugging React elements using Developer Tools
- Class components and Functional Components
- JSX Components Explained
- Understand Component Lifecycle
- Understand Props (Properties) and States in React
- React Hooks useState, useEffect and state management
- Nested components
- Using Proptypes for better validation and type checking
- Lifting State Up & Handling Events
- React Routes and Fragments
- Form Management & Controlled Components
- HTTP Requests & AJAX & JSON & APIs, Fetch API and REST
Unit Outcome
The learner will have a solid understanding of ReactJs and how to build a single-page React application. They will have created a React application that connects to a RESTful API. The application can be added to their portfolio on Github.
Unit Lesson Plans
For details of what is cover each session of in each lesson plan take a look here